1 December 2023 Susannah

A Burning Dilemma for Jocelyn Harris

Prof Jocelyn Harris

If there was a fire in your home, which book would you rush to save from the flames? Do you have a much loved volume from childhood, a book that was a gift from someone special, or simply a copy of an adored novel that always falls open at the right page?

I asked my first distinguished guest, Prof Jocelyn Harris, this very question. She chose an intriguing and influential novel from the 18th century, one written when the novel was still a very new or ‘novel’ thing. At over a million words, it is one of the longest novels in the English language.

Join me as I discuss this book with Jocelyn and find out why she would save her very special copy in the case of a fire.

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Featured image- Prof Jocelyn Harris © Susannah Fullerton
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