In 1920 an editor of the Times stated: “people who care greatly for literature … do not as a rule notice or care by whom a book is published.” How much notice do you take of the name of a publisher on a book?
Well, there is one publisher I do always note with interest, and that is the name of John Murray, pictured above. Murray had the incredible privilege of publishing Emma, he also published Lord Byron’s poems. But there were seven John Murrays. The firm was started in 1768, by a Scot named John Murray. For the next 234 years, the publishing business went from one generation to the next and all in charge were called John Murray. The business was sold in 2002, but has continued as an imprint of Hodder and Stoughton, so the name ‘John Murray’ still appears on books. The firm published best-sellers such as David Livingstone’s travel book, Axel Munthe’s The Story of San Michele, Samuel Smiles’ self-help books, and John Betjeman’s county guides.
When the firm closed, it held an extraordinary archive of business papers and correspondence. This, through sale and donation, ended up in the National Library of Scotland and I’ve been lucky enough to visit it. The library is constantly changing its exhibitions, so that different authors are on display, with their letters, first editions, and advertising material.
When I took my tour groups to visit the Murray archive, our guide was David McClay. He has now produced a delightful book – Dear Mr Murray: Letters to a Gentleman Publisher, selected and introduced by David. It’s a fabulous collection of letters from Jane Austen, Byron, David Livingstone, Axel Munthe, Freya Stark, Beryl Cook, and many more.
John Murray II moved the business to 50 Albemarle Street in Mayfair. About ten years ago I was in that part of London and stopped to admire the building which had given the world that inestimable gift of Emma. The front door was open and I went up the steps and peered into the hallway, when suddenly a voice behind me asked if he could help. I explained that I was a fan of both Jane Austen and Lord Byron and asked if there was any chance I could get a glimpse of the famous first floor drawing room. The gentleman turned out to be John Murray VII and he kindly took me upstairs. What a thrill to be standing in that room, where Sir Walter Scott sat and chatted with his friends, where Jane’s brother Henry Austen once visited, and where so many authors came and went.
The biggest excitement of the visit was seeing the small grated fireplace, for it was in that spot that the one and only copy of Byron’s memoir (probably telling his side of his notorious marriage) was burned – a decision taken by John Murray II and a few of Byron’s friends. Mr Murray was so kind and welcoming, and the visit was a memorable one.
I left feeling that it must be my lucky day, so decided to test that luck once more, further down the street. There, at no. 33 Albemarle Street, was Brown’s Hotel (Agatha Christie turned it into Bertram’s Hotel in a novel). Could I manage to get inside to see the Kipling Suite, I wondered? (It’s a place I’d love to stay in, but at a cost of over £6000 per night, it is quite beyond my reach.)
Presiding at the front was a gorgeously dressed doorman, with a most superior air. Putting on my nicest smile, I asked if there might be any chance a Kipling enthusiast might be permitted to see inside the famous set of rooms which Kipling left when he was rushed to hospital (he died a few days later)? ‘No, Madam’, was the response, delivered in frosty accents. I scurried away – no luck that day, though I might well try again some time.
However, my visit to the premises of John Murray’s publishing house was something to treasure, and reading this excellent and diverting book brought back that happy memory.
Do you take note of a publisher? Maybe you have stayed at Brown’s Hotel? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment.
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Thank you Susannah.
We stayed at Browns Hotel one night in 1979.
Susannah Fullerton
Lucky you! I’d love to stay there, but unless some financial miracle occurs., it won’t be in the Kipling Suite, I’m afraid.
We were married in England, some of our friends came across for the wedding; I remember I envied the couple who stayed at Browns’!! I’M reading “Dictionary of lost words” &I thought John Murray was the man who compiled the first oxford dictionary . ]not the Murray ,publisher ! I do remember the tour , to Scotland,[ Murray.]
Susannah Fullerton
It was James Murray who did the first Oxford Dictionary. There’s a fabulous book about him called The Meaning of Everything.
Donna Fletcher Crow
PS W had less success with visiting John Murray’s a few years ago–the building was under renovation with the front entirely boarded up. At least i got to stand in front of the doorway so many of my favorites walked through.
Susannah Fullerton
Better luck next time, Donna. I was so lucky to just be there at the right time and to meet John Murray. Yes, so many famous people walked through that do and up those steps.
Donna Fletcher Crow
We had a lovely afternoon tea at Brown’s Hotel a few days before Christmas in 2001. The thing that makes it so memorable in our minds is that we had appointed that as the place to rendezvous with our college-age daughter and her friend who were flying in from Paris. They were a bit delayed, which made the joy all the greater when they breezed in, glowing with joy.
Susannah Fullerton
What a lovely memory. Afternoon tea at Brown’s is on my list of things to do when I am next able to get to London. We are still in hideous lockdown in Australia and are not permitted to leave the country!
John Reese
Nice to know about John Murray Publication information. Please guide me is there any free software or paid software for publication purposes? I want to publish a book and its genre is literature.
Susannah Fullerton
I am sorry but I have never published on-line, so can’t help you.
This sounds like such an interesting book!
Susannah Fullerton
I think you’d enjoy it, Caroline.
Lisa Taylor
Happy first day of spring Susannah and thank you for another fabulous newsletter.
In the past I wouldn’t have noticed publishers but now I have a few firm favourites such as Persephone Books, Little Toller Books (nature writing) and anything published by Slightly Foxed.
Fun fact – the editors of Slightly Foxed, Gail and Hazel, worked for John Murray and left to start Slightly Foxed/Foxed Quarterly once John Murray was sold.
Susannah Fullerton
That’s so interesting about the editors of Slightly Foxed (which I also love). I visited the Persephone bookshop in London once, which was fabulous – they do produce beautiful books.