HAPPY BIRTHDAY – Katherine Mansfield, born 14 October 1888
“I want to be all that I am capable of becoming.”

Katherine Mansfield
Virginia Woolf once commented that Katherine Mansfield’s writing was the only writing of which she ever felt jealous – she would rather have written like Mansfield than like Woolf!
Katherine Mansfield is one of the world’s great short story-tellers. I love her New Zealand stories, such as The Dolls House and At the Bay. She often writes of loneliness and Miss Brill is an incredibly moving story of a woman on her own, while The Fly examines a man trying to cope with grief.
I have written and recorded an audio CD about Mansfield’s life and writings. It tells the story of her short, controversial and turbulent life, includes readings from her stories and letters and journals, and presents a truly remarkable woman and writer. You can find it in my book shop.
Katherine Mansfield suffered a fatal pulmonary haemorrhage in January 1923 and died on 9 January aged 34.
Tell me your thoughts in the comment area below.
Susannah Fullerton: Of Claire Tomalin and Katherine Mansfield
Finding Katherine Mansfield: Audio Book CD by Susannah Fullerton
The Collected Short Stories of Katherine Mansfield by Katherine Mansfield
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