Greta Garbo

4 Scandi Trailblazers Who Changed the World

In 1925 a Swedish actress arrived in Hollywood. She spoke no English, but soon made her name in silent movies. Five years later, with a better command of the language, Greta Garbo made her first talkie – ‘Garbo Talks!’ screamed the headlines. Nicknamed ‘The Divine’, Garbo became one of the major stars of classic Hollywood. She was a new kind of actor, with greater subtlety and naturalism – “She doesn’t act – she lives her roles”, one critic stated.

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This video is about 60 minutes full of intriguing information.

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“I want to be alone”

But at the age of thirty-five, Greta Garbo retired – “I want to be alone” was her motto. Her obsessive avoidance of the press only made them keener to interview her and for the rest of her life, she was hunted by the media.

Garbo also introduced new fashion trends, had lesbian affairs, collected amazing art, and built up an aura of mystique and allure that has never faded.

Discover more about the life and roles of the woman whom the Guinness Book of Records once designated “the most beautiful woman who ever lived”. [mepr-membership-link id=”36951″] Just $15, purchase access here. [/mepr-membership-link]

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Purchase the Recorded Talk (just $15)

At just $15 this recorded talk is a real treat! Over 60 minutes of intriguing information about this Scandi Trailblazer who changed the world. It was recorded during a live-streamed presentation and includes audience participation. Buy it now and view your video immediately. [mepr-membership-link id=”36951″] Just $15, purchase access here. [/mepr-membership-link]

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Discuss it with me

How many of Garbo’s movies have you seen? Were you aware of her art collection? What do you think of her life and achievements? Let’s discuss it here.

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Comments (2)

  1. Margaret Debenham

    Susannah, thank you so much for the Scandi Trailblazers – so thoroughly enjoyable and enlightening. And today’s Greta Garbo was such a delight – to see those beautiful photos and be reminded of those (mainly) fabulous movies, and her wonderful performances. And so many memorable moments and scenes – her first words in Anna Christie, of course, in that marvellous voice; her final scene in Anna Karenina when an almost imperceptible change in her expression shows her irrevocable decision to throw herself under the train; her face as she stands in the prow of the ship taking Christina from Sweden with the body of her lover, when she was supposedly told by the director to think of nothing and yet her face conveys everything; and the marvellous moment in Ninotchka when one of her fellow envoys asks her if she wants to be alone, and she responds with a definite “No!” (I don’t think this was in the original script). There are many many more. I would definitely place her number 1 in the poll you mentioned. I have the beautifully produced catalogue from Sotheby’s sale of her apartment contents – I did make a bid for one of the books, but of course it went for about 50 times the amount I submitted!

    • Susannah Fullerton

      Oh how fabulous that you tried to get one of her books in the auction! And what a pity you didn’t, but I believe everything just zoomed in price because it had belonged to her. You described so many fabulous screen moments – she could just convey so much with a tiny gesture or raised eyebrow, and when she could speak on films, just got even better.
      I am so glad you have enjoyed the Scandi series – more to come next year.

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