15 February 2024 Susannah

The Historical Novel, a book chat

Historical Fiction

Who wrote the first historical novel? Gold Class book addicts met recently to chat about historical novels and share our favourite titles. We discussed how the genre is defined, what sub-genres have grown from it, the history of historical fiction and our favourite authors. I’ve collected a great reading list from members’ recommendations which is shared here.

Pour a refreshing beverage and prepare to step back in time to listen to a chat about favourite historical novels. How many of these have you read?

What would you like to chat about next time? I’d love to hear your suggestions.

Tell me your thoughts by leaving a comment.

This reading list is comprised of books recommended by participants in this online chat. I have not read all of these books myself – but hope to do so soon! Hope you’ll find at least one that interests you.

I provide these links for convenience only and do not endorse or assume liability for the content or quality of these third-party sites. I only recommend books I have read and know. Some of these links may be affiliate links. If you buy a product by clicking here I may receive a small commission. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, but does help cover the cost of producing my free newsletter.

Leave a comment.

Men and women travelling in an omnibus in the late Victorian era (1895), by George W. Joy ,-ublic Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=45094126

It’s time for our first Books with a Beverage date, our exclusive Gold Class Book Addicts rendezvous on Zoom.

Monday 19 February 2024, 5 – 6.00pm (AEST)

Here is the access link for Zoom. Please come back here on the day to join.

Date: Monday, 19 February 2024
Time: 5:00 pm – Sydney time

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 882 9019 0988
Passcode: 705914

Who wrote the first historical novel? Gold Class book addicts met recently to chat about historical novels and share our favourite titles. We discussed how the genre is defined, what sub-genres have grown from it, the history of historical fiction and our favourite authors. I’ve collected a great reading list from member’s recommendations which is shared here.

Pour a refreshing beverage and prepare to step back in time to chat about our favourite historical novels. What book will you recommend?

This free zoom chat is exclusive to Gold Class Book Addicts so please don’t share the link. We’ll record it, so if you can’t be present for the live discussion, you’ll be able to catch up by watching the video later.

Comments (5)

  1. Janice Figge

    Dear Susannah

    I did enjoy your presentation last night and was interested to learn that to classify ahistoric novel it must only have been written about events more than 60 years ago. At our Book Club meeting next month we have to talk about a historic novel so those ones I read some time ago – The Paris Bookseller and Kate Quinn’s The Huntress – fall into the historical novel category.

    Look forward to AA Milne and Winnie the Pooh
    regards Janice


    Historical novels are of great interest to me.
    It will be great for me to learn more about them.

    • Susannah Fullerton

      I love historical fiction too! Hope to see you for the discussion tomorrow evening, 5pm, and hope you can mention some of your favourites.

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