Video Talks

Susannah's Video Lectures

Susannah is Sydney’s best-known speaker on famous authors and their works. Read what people say:

Having built a stellar career as a lecturer giving talks about famous writers, Susannah always presents in a unique, immensely entertaining style. Her videos are in constant demand and a testament to her great literary knowledge. People enthusiastically send testimonials, here are just a few.

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Here’s what makes each one of Susannah’s Video Talks so special. You will:

  • Enjoy viewing a video presented by Susannah any time, anywhere.
  • Learn about classic books in easy-to-understand everyday language.
  • Find out about the life of the author.
  • Experience scenes from the novels brought to life through Susannah’s dramatic readings.
  • Grasp the influence of the era, lifestyle and circumstances of the book’s setting.
  • Pick up on the small things that make a story rich.
  • Gain a richer and deeper understanding and enjoyment of a great work of literature.

100% guaranteed. If you don’t feel Susannah’s guides are great value for money, please let her know why and she will refund your purchase price.

By ordering a product you help Susannah cover the expense of producing her monthly newsletter, Notes From A Book Addict, keeping it cost and advertising free. Thank you.

It’s really easy to order. Just visit the talk of your choice above, and you can use any of these payment methods: Credit Card, Cash, Cheque, EFT or PayPal.
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Further information and help 
Please contact Susannah here.