Alexandre Dumas - The Count of Monte Cristo

A Video Talk

Few novelists have been such master storytellers as was Dumas. This great tale of love, imprisonment, revenge and political intrigue has captivated readers from the first moment it was published. French society, history, landscapes and characters are all brought alive so memorably. The Count of Monte Cristo, with good reason, is one of the best-selling novels of all time.

Join me in discussing its author and its brilliance.

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“Monte Cristo is said to have been at its first appearance, and for some time subsequently, the most popular book in Europe. Perhaps no novel within a given number of years had so many readers and penetrated into so many different countries.”
― George Saintsbury

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Featured image credit- Jim Caviezel, Guy Pearce, Henry Cavill, and Dagmara Dominczyk, The Count of Monte Cristo, 2002 Touchstone Pictures movie adaptation,

Comments (2)

  1. Keryne Rosato

    Hi Susannah, I finished listening to “The Count of Monte Cristo” only yesterday (52 hours!). I deliberately didn’t listen to your Tea with A Book Addict talk on this fabulous book before I had read it as I wanted to be objective. I knew the basic story but I had never actually read the whole book! Firstly, what a master storyteller and secondly what an amazing story from a fertile imagination. The only thing that I couldn’t reconcile was that the Count made Maximillon suffer for a long time before revealing that Valentin was actually alive. I thought this was a little cruel on the part of the Count to someone he loved so dearly. Thoughts?

    Thank you so much for putting this on your list. Next “Ulysses” – I’ve read it before but I am going to listen to it again before I listen to your video talk! Maybe it’s just me, but some novels are more memorable and you ‘get it’ more easily when someone else reads them aloud.

    • Susannah Fullerton

      Keryne, I was so thrilled to read your comments. Isn’t the audio version fabulous – it just makes you appreciate Dumas’ skill as a storyteller even more. Yes, I do agree that the Count was too slow to reveal that Valentin was alive, but I think he learns from such experiences that he is not God and cannot direct everything.
      I am so glad you are getting such value from the Tea with a Book Addict series. I have loved revisiting some of these books.

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