Poe wanted his bird to be “non-reasoning” and capable of speech, and had almost decided that it should be a parrot. But then he was inspired by Grip, the raven in Charles Dickens’ Barnaby Rudge, specifically the scene where Grip makes a noise and somebody asks “What was that – him tapping at the door?”. [1]
On 29 January 1845, the New York Evening Mirror published a poem that led to a surge in its circulation. In addition, it established its author, Edgar Allan Poe, as a prominent figure in American literature. The poem was named The Raven, and it remains to this day, one of literature’s most familiar poems.
Edgar Allan Poe left university after only one year’s attendance, then failed in an attempt to start a career in the army, before eventually commencing work as a writer for literary journals and periodicals. During these productive years, he became known for his literary criticism, and he married, the couple living with his mother-in-law. He published more than one hundred reviews and editorials and wrote many new poems and stories while there. His poem The Raven was published in 1845 and he was paid just $9 for it by the publishing house.
The Raven is a narrative poem written in the first person. It explores themes of grief, loss, and the power of the subconscious mind and tells of a raven’s appearance and repeated utterance of the word “Nevermore” which drives the author to madness as he contemplates the raven’s meaning against his own losses and regrets.
The Raven was an instant success. After its publication in the Evening Mirror, it generated much discussion in newspapers and journals. Its popularity continued to grow in the following years, and it became one of Poe’s most famous works, known for its musicality, dark imagery, and exploration of the human psyche. The Raven has been translated into many languages, adapted into plays, films, operas, songs, and comics. Today it is considered a classic of American literature and is studied in schools and universities.
Edgar Allan Poe died just 4 years later on 7 October 1849. He was aged 40.
Listen to Vincent Price reading the poem (poor picture quality, but oh, his voice!):
Selected links for relevant websites, books, movies, videos, and more. Some of these links lead to protected content on this website, learn more about that here.
Susannah Fullerton: Edgar Allan Poe is born
Susannah Fullerton: Edgar Allan Poe marries Virginia Clemm
Susannah Fullerton: First detective story is published
Susannah Fullerton: Book Addict Admires a Literary Statue – Edgar Allan Poe
Susannah Fullerton: Legacy of The Raven
Edgar Allan Poe National Historic Site
The Poe Museum
Poetry Foundation: The Raven