George Eliot - Middlemarch
A video talk
Middlemarch has long been regarded as George Eliot’s finest work. Eliot weaves together four plot lines. We are drawn into their stories as their marriages, ambitions, failures and successes are all examined. It’s all psychologically compelling and so superbly written.
To be born a female with a formidable brain and an ugly face was a terrible handicap in Victorian England. Mary Ann Evans eventually gained fame as George Eliot and, through her efforts, made more money than any other woman of the Victorian age. Discover why Middlemarch is considered one of the world’s greatest works of fiction.
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― Virginia Woolf
Mary Ann / Marian / Mrs Lewes / Mrs Cross and George Eliot – this remarkable woman went by many different names throughout her life. She shocked society by living with a married man, she was cut off by her father for her rejection of religious faith, and by her adored brother for her scandalous liaison. And yet she bore it all stoically and turned to writing as an escape. By her pen, George Eliot earned more than did any other woman in Victorian England.
George Eliot’s personal story is as fascinating as anything she wrote. Too clever for a Victorian girl, she taught herself several languages, was a talented pianist, became a loving stepmother to the sons of the man she loved, and she gradually won over the approval of society – even the Queen read and loved the novels of George Eliot.
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Middlemarch by George Eliot
Middlemarch by George Eliot, Narrated by Juliet Stevenson
George Eliot: The Last Victorian by Kathryn Hughes
George Eliot: A Biography by Gordon S. Haight
George Eliot in Love by Brenda Maddox
In Love with George Eliot by Kathy O’Shaughnessy
The Road to Middlemarch by Rebecca Mead
The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot
Middlemarch by George Eliot. Free downloadable version in epub or Kindle format. If you are unsure of how to add these files to your ereader, look here.
Middlemarch by George Eliot, narrated by Margaret Espaillat
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Middlemarch by George Eliot National Library of Australia free public access to books in libraries at Trove.
A playlist for Middlemarch by George Eliot
Susannah Fullerton: George Eliot
Susannah Fullerton: Mary Ann Evans is born
Susannah Fullerton: George Eliot dies
Susannah Fullerton: Literary Readers Guide – George Eliot & Middlemarch
Susannah Fullerton: George Eliot turns 200
Susannah Fullerton: How long should a work of fiction be?
George Eliot
Middlemarch: The Series, Video blog by Rebecca Shoptaw
Judith Stove
Yes, Susannah! Middlemarch is so wonderful, and so was Eliot. I re-read Middlemarch in 2015, and was delighted anew. The depictions of the marriages are absolutely forensic, and riveting. And Eliot portrays so many brilliant characters and situations.
I am so glad that the mid-Victorian women polymaths – Eliot, Harriet Martineau – are finally being recognised. They created fiction, they translated continental philosophy, they popularised key debates, they were all-round amazing.
Susannah Fullerton
Yes, George Eliot was utterly brilliant. Have you read ‘The Road to Middlemarch’, Judy? I think you’d enjoy it. Happy to lend it to you.
Many thanks Susannah for such a wonderful talk. Very special during these Covid lockdown times in Melbourne.
Much appreciated.
Jennifer Turner
Susannah Fullerton
I am delighted you enjoyed it so much, Jennifer. Wasn’t she a fascinating woman.
It’s so tough for you Melburnians at the moment. Hang in there and let’s all hope that better times are just around the corner.
Oh Susannah, when I was tasked with reading Middlemarch in my uni first year, if only you had been around to explain, as you do here, that the book is about four very different marriages. I’d have picked it up and begun reading with the ‘shape’ of it already in my head. Having listened to your talk on Eliot I am now ready to take it down from my bookshelf again. Something must have lingered, because it has remained on my shelves for more years than I care to admit to. Another wonderful talk, many thanks.
Susannah Fullerton
So glad you found my talk helpful, Lyn. Middlemarch is such a great novel and so deep and complex, but one that every serious book-lover should read, so do pick it up again. Or try an audio version – that often makes the reading so much easier. It is well worth the effort!