15 May 2024 Susannah

A Burning Dilemma for Sir Roger Hall

Sir Roger Hall

If there was a fire in your home, which book would you rush to save from the flames? Do you have a much loved volume from childhood, a book that was a gift from someone special, or simply a copy of an adored novel that always falls open at the right page?

Join me as I ask my special guest this question. Find out what their choice is and why they would save their very special copy in the case of disaster.

This time, I put this question to New Zealand’s most successful playwright, Sir Roger Hall.

Since 1976 Hall’s plays have been box office sensations. His first play for the stage was the smash hit Glide Time in Wellington, NZ. It went on to become a popular TV series Gliding On, lampooning the office foibles of the civil service, long before similar TV series became popular.

Hall has written for the stage, alongside scriptwriting for film and television and brings a comedic edge to his writing. His best-known works internationally are Middle-Age Spread (1978) and Conjugal Rites (1991).

In the 2019 Queen’s Birthday Honours, Hall was promoted to Knight Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit, for services to theatre.

What did you think of Roger’s choice of book? Are you tempted to read it? Tell me your thoughts by leaving a comment.

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Featured image- Sir Roger Hall

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