1 June 2022 Susannah

Book Addict Visits a Library – Atlanta Central Library

Atlanta Central Library

In the city of Atlanta, Georgia, there’s a wonderful special collection in the Central Library (part of the Fulton County Library system). It was given to the library according to the writer’s wishes, so after the death of her second husband, John Marsh, the collection came to the library. That author was Margaret Mitchell, and the collection contains manuscripts, her typewriter, publicity material about Gone with the Wind (book and film), first editions, photographs, correspondence and foreign editions. It is a static collection, which means it cannot be added to and nothing can be removed.

As she worked on her Civil War story, Margaret was a big user of libraries. She needed to check details about fashions, medical treatments for wounded soldiers, troop movements and much more. Before writing her novel, Margaret worked as a reporter, another job that made her aware of the importance and usefulness of libraries. Her library card is one of the items on display.

I loved visiting this collection with my tour groups and seeing so many things associated with such a famous novel. In Atlanta, you can also visit Margaret Mitchell’s apartment (which she liked to call ‘The Dump’), an incredibly modest living space for such a famous author. But to spend time in the library looking through albums, to see translated versions of the book, to examine the amazing collection of unique material, and to look at her typewriter and think of the hours she spent tapping away about Scarlett and Rhett, is moving and exciting.

Have you seen this collection? Tell me by leaving a comment here.

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Featured image credit- Atlanta Central Library, image by JJonahJackalope – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=113304598
Body image credit- Atlanta Fulton Public Library, photo by Wendy D. https://foursquare.com/v/atlanta-fulton-public-library–central/4a14827ef964a5204d781fe3
Body image credit- Margaret Mitchell at her typewriter, http://www.sofijon.pl/module/article/one/1372
Body image credit- Margaret Mitchell’s typewriter at the Atlanta Central Library, photo by Caroline Eubanks, https://www.afar.com/places/central-library-atlanta

Comments (2)

  1. Jenny Grebler

    Susannah, I will never forget our visit to the home and library associated with Margaret Mitchell. Once in a lifetime opportunity!!!

    Hope you have a lovely time overseas.

    Jenny Grebler
    Always with love!

    • Susannah Fullerton

      Wasn’t it a special visit, as was so much on that tour!
      Thanks for the good wishes – can’t wait to see my sister again after nearly 3 years!!!!!

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