15 September 2024 Susannah

Dorothy Parker Gin

Dorothy Parker Gin

In this occasional series, we are sharing literary tipples – the drinks enjoyed by our great writers. Today we share a drink with a woman who deplored her reputation as a “wisecracker”.

Dorothy Parker, the sharp-tongued wit of the Jazz Age, stood out as a sensation in an era teeming with talent. She was a poet, essayist, and short story writer, renowned for her razor-sharp quips.

A true New Yorker, Dorothy was a founding member of the legendary Algonquin Round Table – as much a fixture as the cocktails served there. Amidst the laughter, clever repartee, and the clinking of glasses, her love for both the written word and a well-mixed drink intertwined, and her national fame blossomed. The image of Parker with a gin cocktail in hand has become an emblem of her unconventional spirit.

Dorothy Parker would have been the ultimate drinking companion, and her love for sharing drinks with friends suggests she would have been delighted to have a gin named in her honour. Dorothy Parker American Gin, crafted by the New York Distilling Company, offers a blend of traditional and contemporary botanicals which is used in this recipe.

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-Dorothy Parker Gin, Broadway Wines Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/BroadwayWinesBlyth/photos/a.366977326795748/1912137932279672/, Dorothy Parker, https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/20/opinion/the-vicious-fun-of-americas-most-famous-literary-circle.html
-Dorothy Parker Gin from New York Distilling Co, https://gin-mag.com/2020/10/04/nydc-dorothy-parker-gina-spirit-about-town/
-Members and associates of the Algonquin Round Table ca. 1919: (standing, left to right) Art Samuels and Harpo Marx; (sitting) Charles MacArthur, Dorothy Parker, and Alexander Woollcott, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3660561

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