Ethel Turner - Seven Little Australians
A Video Talk
In an era when fiction was supposed to be about ‘good’ children, Ethel Turner dared to make her seven Aussie children naughty, getting into constant scrapes and sometimes getting away with them. In 1994 this was the only book by an Australian author to have been continuously in print for 100 years.
Seven Little Australians was set in Sydney in the 1880s. Yet the lessons of the novel are as relevant today as when the book first appeared. Revisit and celebrate this fabulous Australian novel and learn about the remarkable woman who wrote it.
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“The reader cannot help but be charmed by Ethel Turner’s wonderful characters.”
― Kate Campbell
On her 21st birthday, a young woman named Ethel Turner added a note to her diary: “Seven L. Aust. – sketched it out.” That was in 1893. One hundred years later, the book she had dreamed up would be the only book by an Australian author to have been continuously in print for one hundred years. Seven Little Australians is an Australian classic.
Ethel Turner went on to write children’s columns in newspapers and magazines, and she wrote more than 40 books. She married, brought up two children and had a busy social and professional life. She was not born Australian, and yet when her publisher suggested she go to England to gain some ‘English polish’, she resisted – she was determinedly Australian in her style and her themes, as well as her settings.
Links for where to buy the books in print, ebook or audio will be listed here before the talk. Find the books on my recommended reading list, watch a movie version, enjoy related videos, websites and much more. Have anything to add here? Let me know.
Seven Little Australians by Ethel Turner
From a Chair in the Sun: The Life of Ethel Turner by A.T. Yarwood
The Diaries of Ethel Turner edited by Philippa Poole
Seven Little Billabongs: The World of Ethel Turner and Mary Grant Bruce by Brenda Niall
Some free versions are better than others, please feel free to try these, but I cannot guarantee the quality.
Seven Little Australians by Ethel Turner Free downloadable version in various formats including Kindle, epub, pdf and others. If you are unsure of how to add these files to your ereader, look here.
Seven Little Australians by Ethel Turner, narrated by Ophelia Darcy
FIND IN A LIBRARY (You will need to hold an Australian library card.)
Seven Little Australians by Ethel Turner National Library of Australia free public access to books in libraries at Trove.
Seven Little Australians 1973 ABC TV mini series adaptation, 10 episodes
Seven Little Australians 1973 ABC TV mini series adaptation (same as above, but lower quality)
YouTube playlist for Seven Little Australians & Ethel Turner
Susannah Fullerton: Friends of Ethel Turner & Woodlands
Susannah Fullerton: Ethel Turner is born
Susannah Fullerton: Ethel Turner marries
Susannah Fullerton: Ethel Turner dies
Susannah Fullerton: My Visit to Woodlands
Manuscript of Seven Little Australians is held at the State Library of NSW
Kathryn Tiller
Thank you Susannah for a marvellous illustrated lecture on Ethel Turner. Somehow I was not exposed to her as a young person, neither at school or home. I will make sure to read Seven Little Australians and see the ABC series. Many thanks.
Susannah Fullerton
I am delighted you enjoyed the illustrated lecture. Do read the book and watch the series, and have some tissues handy.