1 June 2024 Susannah

Villa La Foce, Tuscany, Italy

Villa La Foce

Iris Origo was a biographer and historian. She is the author of several books including Images and Shadows, War in Val d’Orcia, A Study in Solitude, and The Merchant of Prato, among others.

Iris and her husband Antonio Origo purchased Villa La Foce in 1924. Over the course of the next 15 years, together with English architect Cecil Pinsent, they refurbished the house and designed an elegant terraced garden with box hedges, a rose garden, fountains and a pergola draped in wisteria. They transformed the dilapidated historic estate into one of Italy’s most sumptuous countryside villas.

Despite a need to remain in the good graces of the Italian and German forces during WWII, La Foce provided shelter to orphaned and war-displaced children during the war years as well as a sanctuary for Allied pilots and POW escapees.

After the war, Iris and Antonio remained at La Foce for the rest of their lives, raising two daughters on the estate.

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Comments (3)

  1. Christine Bradfield

    Look forward to getting her Biography. What an amazing story. She was so talented in so many ways.
    I told you I was reading the book about George Orwell’s wife. I was a bit disappointed as it seemed to be more about the author’s womanhood. So I’m afraid I gave up on it and did not finish it.
    Thank you for all the interesting articles, videos. I really enjoy them.
    warmest wishes from Christine Bradfield

    • Cheryl

      I agree with you about Wifedom, Christine. I did finish it but felt that the big focus on Anna Funder’s opinion on Eileen’s situation spoiled the narrative. I think the book would have been improved with these comments removed as the story said it all anyway. Cheers, Cheryl.

  2. Margaret Debenham

    A most interesting video. I loved War in Val d’Orcia and Images and Shadows; now I must track down some of Iris’s other works, as well as the Book by her daughter. And a visit to La Foce is now on my To Do list!

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