If there was a fire in your home, which book would you rush to save from the flames? Do you have a much loved volume from childhood, a book that was a gift from someone special, or simply a copy of an adored novel that always falls open at the right page?
Join me as I ask my special guest this question. Find out what their choice is and why they would save their very special copy in the case of disaster.
This time, I put this question to Australian biographer and author, Jennifer Kloester, the world authority on the novels of Georgette Heyer.
Jennifer Kloester first read Georgette Heyer’s novels while living in the jungle in Papua New Guinea and re-read them while living in the desert in Bahrain. In 2004, she completed a Doctorate on Georgette Heyer and her Regency novels. Since then she has written extensively about Heyer and the Regency and has given writing workshops and public presentations in the UK, USA, Australia and New Zealand.
Jennifer Kloester has also written fiction in her own right. Her books include two Young Adult novels, The Cinderella Moment and The Rapunzel Dilemma, published in 2013 and 2014, followed by her novel Jane Austen’s Ghost in 2019. Her latest work is the study The Novels of Georgette Heyer – A Celebration published in 2023.
Are you a Georgette Heyer fan? Do you agree with Jennifer’s choice of book? Tell me your thoughts by leaving a comment.
Selected links for relevant websites, books, movies, videos, and more. Some of these links lead to protected content on this website, learn more about that here.
Georgette Heyer’s Regency World by Jennifer Kloester
Georgette Heyer by Jennifer Kloester
Jane Austen’s Ghost by Jennifer Kloester
The Novels of Georgette Heyer – A Celebration by Jennifer Kloester
Novels by Georgette Heyer
Susannah Fullerton: The inimitable Georgette Heyer – A tour of her Regency England
Susannah Fullerton: Georgette Heyer is born
Georgette Heyer: Complete to a Shade by Susannah Fullerton, Amanda Jones & Joanna Penglase
Catherine Patterson
Thank you Susannah for introducing us to Jennifer and the books she has written. My to-be-read (TBR) list grows each month. What an amazing home library. My dream : ) I think Jennifer’s book choice, though difficult, is a good one, for it’s rareness. This segment is always an enjoyable part of being a Gold Class Member. Thank you : )